Flutter & Firebase Realtime Database- Tutorial

Ruwan Sampath
2 min readMay 2, 2021


Let’s explore firebase realtime database by creating a simple chat app. where anyone can post message publically

1: Configure Firebase & Flutter

I assume that you have already know to connect flutter application with firebase. First you have to connect with firebase

2: Adding Dependencies

sdk: flutter
cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2
firebase_core: ^0.4.0+6
firebase_database: ^3.0.4
intl: ^0.15.8

3: Working with Code

Now we can start writing code with our main.dart

Let’s create a db reference chat to store our messages. & _txtCtrl for handling user inputs

var _firebaseRef = FirebaseDatabase().reference().child('chats');
TextEditingController _txtCtrl = TextEditingController();

Now using _firebaseRef we can add, read, update, delete data with chat

Insert Data to Firebase Realtime Database

sendMessage() {
"message": _txtCtrl.text,
"timestamp": DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch

this code can insert(push) data into firebase

Delete Data to Firebase Realtime Database

deleteMessage(key) {

Using this code, we delete child with key

Update Data to Firebase Realtime Database

updateTimeStamp(key) {
.update({"timestamp": DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch});

Using this code, we’re updating the timestamp of particular message based on key

Read data from firebase Realtime Database

To display firebase data into our app, we need StreamBuilder.

stream: _firebaseRef.onValue,
builder: (context, snap) {

if (snap.hasData && !snap.hasError && snap.data.snapshot.value != null) {

Map data = snap.data.snapshot.value;
List item = [];

data.forEach((index, data) => item.add({"key": index, ...data}));

return ListView.builder(
itemCount: item.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return ListTile(
title: Text(item[index]['message']),
trailing: Text(DateFormat("hh:mm:ss")
item[index]['timestamp'] * 1000))
onTap: () =>
onLongPress: () =>
return Text("No data");


  • We created StreamBuilder based on _firebaseRef.onValue, which means, we update stream builder whenever data changes on firebase (CRUD)
  • If there is an error with data or null, we display Text Widget with “No data”
  • If there is no error, we’re storing all messages (snap.data.snapshot.value) into Map data
  • Since firebase key are unpredictable, we have used forEach to push data into item


{-Lk30mSI-ObTUuy730c4: {message: gbrjv dl, timestamp: 1563435680036}, -Lk30mXd97oFihH_5MVR: {message: gbrjv dl, timestamp: 1563435679414}, -Lk30izl-cQ7IdtKeo4i: {message: ghrhr, timestamp: 1563435678204}}


[{key: -Lk30mSI-ObTUuy730c4, message: gbrjv dl, timestamp: 1563435680036}, {key: -Lk30mXd97oFihH_5MVR, message: gbrjv dl, timestamp: 1563435679414}, {key: -Lk30izl-cQ7IdtKeo4i, message: ghrhr, timestamp: 1563435678204}]
  • Once everything is fine, we use ListView.builder() & ListTile for displaying data
  • When user Tap, we update timestamp & with longpress, we delete data

This code we display a TextField with Buttons

Container( child: Row(children: <Widget>[
Expanded(child: TextField(controller: _txtCtrl)),
width: 80,
child: OutlineButton(child: Text("Add"), onPressed: () => sendMessage()))



Ruwan Sampath
Ruwan Sampath

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